Finally! P.P.M. Framework is here!

How to become a great IT Project Manager
in less than 28 days and save at least 1393,56 USD
on unnecessary certifications

But there's a problem!

Hello, I’m Dmytro Nizhebetskyi, founder of IT PM School.

There are four critical areas of IT project management that I’m going to explain below. Nailing those areas is the main reason successful project managers can be so efficient and professional.

When you finish reading about those areas, the path to becoming a great project manager will be obvious.

As of now, this approach has helped more than 394 project managers already. And surveys show they became go-to experts when it comes to project management.

Here’s the truth:

If you are like most IT project managers, you don’t have formal education. So, you learn by reading books and searching articles and videos from other PMs.

It feels like you collect bits and pieces of a puzzle. You need to put it together just to see if it works.

On the one hand, I believe you shouldn’t have to play trial and error while leading people. On the other hand, I understand how frustrating and stressful it is to search for solutions on the internet when people look for your guidance.

So, you must be wondering whether other managers have figured it out already… or is it just you?

In any case, you must double down on improving your PM skills and safeguard your career ASAP! Why?

Undoubtedly, layoffs will continue in the IT industry throughout 2024. So, you need to ensure you can prove your value and skills.

As I’ve been managing projects for more than 12 years, I know how stressful it is for you. That’s why I would like to share critical insights that will make your life much easier while boosting your career.

It all starts with a unique P.P.M. Framework. Let me elaborate on how this framework can make you a professional IT project manager.

How to Become a Successful IT Project Manager (internet version)?

How many times have you Googled something like “risk management” or “scope management example”? Or what about things like:

  • How to create WBS, schedule, and budget?
  • Best project management tools.
  • How to lead a team so that delegated tasks get done well and on time?
  • How to track multiple projects.
  • Project budgeting.
  • How to work with scope creep.

Moreover, how does it work in the IT industry? Yet the search either pulls up a million ads for various certifications or else shows you scattered bits and pieces of the project management. Both of which really leaves you wondering how to put it all together.

I think you’ll agree with me when I say…

In the end, it feels like you know the theory, but your confidence falls apart when it gets to practice.

In fact, it adds more doubts because you aren’t sure if you need a PMP certification, Scrum Master certificate, ITIL, Six Sigma Green (or is it Black?) Belt, SAFe Scrum Master, a master’s degree in management, or all of the above!

What will help you feel like your project management is not holding on duct tape?

"I'm pretty sure nowhere can you find such a unique mix of real-world experience and book-learning. Dmytro is one of the best managers and mentors I know."
Senior IT Project Manager

7 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Being a Project Manager in the IT Industry

  1. Scrum is everything you need to know. Wrong! Companies and stakeholders are not ready to be agile yet. They still need a Gantt Chart.
  2. Everyone speaks about being a leader, but no one can explain how to do it on a daily basis.
  3. Each project has difficult personalities, and you can’t simply fire them. How to deal with difficult people on an IT project is a separate skill set.
  4. Your boss wants you to manage stakeholders. (But you only have the authority of a Scrum Master).
  5. Scope Management is the most critical knowledge domain, but your leadership cares only about deadlines.
  6. You must know how to manage project risks that are beyond your development team.
  7. Project management software will do the heavy lifting for me. I just need to learn Jira! That is so far from true. A PM tool only does what you ask it to do. So, you need to know the PM concepts.

Now, I can almost hear you thinking…

Wait! Isn’t PMI’s PMP certification a golden standard of project management? It teaches everything you need to know to be a Project Manager.

The fact is, no. PMP doesn’t work in the IT industry. Let me explain it.

How to save at least 1393,56 USD
on unnecessary certifications

“Do I Even Need a PMI PMP Certificate in the IT Industry?”

Without a doubt, popular project management certifications and courses have pros and cons. Let’s quickly compare them.

Certified Scrum Master: You’ll learn Scrum Framework. But Scrum is not enough to run IT projects successfully. The average price point is 792,50 USD. But training with a good agile coach will cost 1000-2000 USD.

Project Management Professional (PMI PMP): You get a certification that is recognized worldwide. But passing the exam requires a massive investment of time and money (at least 900 USD). The worst thing about it, you will never use 80% of what you learn (even less than that if you want to build a career in the IT industry).

Mastering P.P.M Framework: You will still need to dedicate 15-20 minutes daily to learn the framework. But you can apply everything you learn from it in the real world. Also, it includes everything you need to become a great IT project manager, so you don’t need to spend extra money on different courses.

But here’s a problem no one talks about:

You cannot use the knowledge gained in PMP certification or Scrum Master training as is in an organization. Companies have an established set of processes and tools you must use. Moreover, they are entirely different from what certifications teach.

This leads us to the most important conclusion:

IT Project Management is a Unique Mix of Frameworks and Approaches

The worst thing about IT Project Management is this:

No formal education or standard certification actually prepares you for leading a real project with real people. They all provide theory for an ideal environment. The real world is not ideal.

Now, you are sitting in front of your computer. You’re reading all of this and must be wondering, “So, what’s the best way to enhance your skills and become a great project manager in the real world?”

Every successful IT project manager knows that learning from someone else’s experience is the fastest way to tackle any problem. 

That’s why let me ask you this:

How quickly can you take your career to the next level if you can access the practical knowledge of a seasoned project manager with 12 years of experience?

I’m asking because I applied the same P.P.M. (stands for Practical Project Management) Framework each time, even on large enterprise projects. Moreover, it not only worked for me but also for hundreds of other project managers I taught.


Three clear reasons:

  1. I’ve been teaching and mentoring project managers my entire career. So, I know the challenges you face in the real world.
  2. Practical Project Management Framework provides a complete set of simple processes and tools that work well together.
  3. It’s a practical framework, which means you can follow the step-by-step instructions to deliver a project on time and within budget, even if you have little to no experience.

Just think…

Instead of wasting months on learning overwhelming amounts of inapplicable theory and searching Google for answers, you know exactly where to focus your efforts.

What if you knew a proven project management approach that you can apply at once and be confident that you do it in the right way?

That’s why I have taken everything I learned from twelve years of practical experience in managing IT projects.

Then, I put together an online course with hands-on, real-world examples and practical methods explained and demonstrated in a way that will help you confidently finish your projects, become a leader, and rapidly grow your career…


Practical IT Project Management Mastery

The on-demand online certification course on project management that teaches all aspects of it project management.

(Everything an IT Project Manager needs to know: agile project management, leadership, stakeholder engagement, scope, resources, and risk management; it’s all without overwhelming certifications and unnecessary expenses)

#1: This certification course covers ALL aspects of IT project management and leadership

  1. Practical Project Management Framework: This framework teaches you to manage a project from start to finish with easy-to-use templates, tools, and PM software. It combines the best practices of traditional project management with Scrum and Kanban. 
  2. Exclusive additional lessons on Stakeholder Management, Risk Management, and Leadership that come from my recent experience. They’ll equip you with actionable knowledge and tools you can apply today. 
  3. You’ll prove to your boss you are a worthy leader with this comprehensive project management knowledge. This also means you don’t need to buy, or make time for, separate courses on Scrum or Leadership.

Keep in mind that this framework is already integrated. It means all pieces work together as one mechanism. You can easily adjust it to the environment of the company you work in right now. 

You’ll also learn:

  • Step-by-step instructions and templates for essential PM work.
  • How to manage stakeholders and their expectations.
  • Practical leadership with an actionable plan you can use.
  • How to create an accurate project budget and schedule.
  • What you need to do to manage real-life project risks.
"Very well explained at last for me!!! Most of the PMBOK stuff is theory, and this is really practical!"
Civil Engineer

#2: This certification course comes from practical, hands-on experience

Dmytro Nizhebetskyi is a skilled IT project manager who has gained the trust of project managers across the world.

Originally from Ukraine, he is an author, the CEO of IT PM School, and the creator of the YouTube channel IT Project Managers – where he delivers practical project management advice to over 41.6K subscribers.

With over 12 years of experience in training mid- to senior-level project managers and a wealth of practical experience managing projects ranging from simple to highly complex, Dmytro recognized the need for practical guidance in the field.

That’s why you will become proficient in all areas of project management required in the real world with real people.

Team members will nod in approval to how you plan the project, lead meetings, and work with stakeholders.

You’ll feel an enormous boost of confidence because you manage the project like a pro.

For example, here’s how it compares with other project management courses you may find online:

Practical IT Project Management

  • REAL-WOLRD APPLICATION: You’ll use everything you learn in this course in your real-world projects.
  • REAL-LIFE EXAMPLES: Learn more than just the theory. You’ll feel like you had real-life experience. 
  • ALL-IN-ONE: teaches all aspects of IT Project management: leadership, agile frameworks, processes and tools.

A Course on “Udemy”

  • Everything comes from the theory of ideal project management. You can’t use it in the real world as is.
  • You need to buy separate courses on Scrum and Kanban.
  • Teaches you only the theory of project management. So, you’ll need additional courses on leadership and motivation.

How Quickly Will the Practical IT Project Management Course Make You a Great Project Manager?​

“When I left my previous workplace (my comfort zone), I had many failed attempts at securing another project manager role. I realized I have gaps in my knowledge.

This course has re-equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence boost I need to get back out there and deliver awesome projects.

Also, Dmytro incorporated many use cases in his explanations, providing layers of context that helped arrive at the most suitable course of action in different situations.

More importantly, the tutor’s approach to teaching, friendly reminders, and encouragement are all worthy of mention. Thank you!”

– Ibrahim

#3: Why does THIS project management course work so well?

“It’s enhanced with bonuses requested by project managers based on their needs.”

Bonus 1: Essential Project Management Templates

($97 Value)

The course provides a set of essential templates for running an IT project. This will ensure you don’t waste time staring at a blank page.

For example, you can install best practices using the Risk Management Plan template.

You can download the template and customize it to fit your project’s requirements. It should take only 30-60 minutes as you only need to fill in the blanks. Next, walk the team through the processes and tools.

After the presentation, you’ll observe that your colleagues will start looking at you as an expert in Risk Management.

And you’ll feel proud of yourself for implementing a critical process that will make your projects efficient and less stressful.

Achievements like this add value to the company and make you an irreplaceable professional.

Bonus 2: My Personal Stakeholder Management System

($197 Value)

Identify Stakeholders… What does that mean in the real world? How do you actually do it?

You need to collect information about people and their possible behavior. So, you mustn’t sound like a gossiper or make people feel insecure.

In this bonus, I’ll share the “Circles” approach to finding and categorizing stakeholders. I’ll give you a workflow and exact questions you can use to discover all the people who are interested in your project.

Next, you’ll get a simple tool that helps you to keep stakeholders engaged, committed to their promises, and fully informed about your project.

Last but not least, I’ll share my experience in managing difficult, micromanaging, or disengaged stakeholders.

This bonus will ensure you build efficient communication with all critical stakeholders while not spending the whole day on meetings in Zoom.

Bonus 3: Practical Leadership and Motivation Framework

($497 Value)

Just like the P.P.M. Framework, the Practical Leadership and Motivation Framework provides step-by-step instructions for becoming a great leader for your team.

Have you ever wondered what it means to lead a team? What do you actually do to become a leader? Trials and errors is not the best approach to building rapport with people.

I read dozens of books on leadership. For twelve years, I’ve been testing lots of approaches and techniques. So, you don’t need to read all those books. Also, you don’t need to be a natural-born leader. You can learn it from this course.

With this bonus, you’ll get a simple approach to winning the respect of your team quickly. You’ll build rapport and professional relationships with key people on your project. And you’ll learn how to set goals and ensure commitment from the team so that they perform at the highest level.

I’ll teach you how to create a feeling of ownership and responsibility for the project with your people.

The same framework works with clients, your boss, and all other stakeholders. Even as a junior project manager, you can follow these steps and become a great leader. A leader that people love to work with.

Exclusive Bonus: The Roadmap to Becoming an IT Project Manager

($97 Value)

The PPM course aims to enhance your knowledge and skills and make you a great project manager.

But what if you are not a Project Manager yet? No problem. I’ve got you covered!

This bonus will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to become a project manager from any role you are currently in.

It will eliminate all the guesswork and confusion about the knowledge and experience you need to transition into a PM role.

Right on the screen, you can identify your current position on the roadmap to determine the best next step you need to take. You’ll feel confident you won’t waste time and money on things that don’t help you become a project manager.

So, if you are planning to become an IT Project Manager, this course is for you as well!

Make Your Move Into the IT Industry Like Mike and
Get Access to the Highest Project Manager Salaries

“Previously, I worked as a manager in a non-IT company, and I thought it would be easy to switch to a different field. But in reality, everything I did previously had nothing to do with project management in the IT industry.

I was reading articles, watching videos, listening to podcasts… gathering all theoretical knowledge, but in the end, I learned all and nothing at the same time.

This course helped me to create the real picture of Project Management and the position’s key responsibilities based on the journey from “starting” to “finishing” the project. I’ve structured my knowledge and gained the correct mindset.

Right from the beginning, I felt like I had a one-on-one conversation with an experienced PM who has the answer to all my questions, even to ones like “How to write an email,” etc.

I feel like I’m ready for my first job as a PM in the IT industry.”

– Mike

#4: Get the Recognition You Deserve with Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the course, you will also receive a certificate that you can:

  • Add to your resume
  • Add to your LinkedIn Profile.
  • Share (as an image) on LinkedIn.

It will provide the status and recognition as a Certified Practical IT Project Manager.

#5: Get Instant Access to All Materials

1. Students-only Area

You get access to a students-only area where you find all the video lessons and additional materials.

2. Video Lessons

The course consists of pre-recorded video lessons divided into 5 modules. Each video is short and up to the point.

3. Track Your Progress

Your progress is saved. You can get back to where you left off and continue learning.

4. Learn On The Go

Access all the Course materials from your mobile, tablet, or desktop.

5 In-depth Modules on IT Project Management

($997 Value)

Glad to see you here! Start here to get some tips and tricks on how to tackle this course in the most efficient way. . . .


  • What are your goals?
  • [NOT a Project Manager Yet? Watch This First]: The Roadmap to Becoming a Project Manager
  • Glossary of an IT Project Manager
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Learn the Fundamentals of Project Management

Understanding the big picture of project management is what separates you from accidental or amateur PMs.

You need to know such concepts as Software Development Project Life Cycle or Project Management Process.

Knowing these theoretical concepts will help you organize your knowledge and your team’s work. As a result, you can position yourself as a professional project manager for your team.

  • Understanding the big picture of project management will separate you from an accidental or amateur PM.

  • The main concepts of Agile Project Management and Software Development Life Cycle.

  • The fundamentals of PM knowledge you in the real companies.

  • How to use this knowledge to position yourself as a professional PM.


  1. What is a Project?
  2. Project Boundaries
  3. Project Management Process
  4. Role of a PM and Essence of Project Management
  5. Project Life Cycle: Overview
  6. Project Life Cycle: Typical Phases
  7. 🎁 Deep Dive: Software Development Life Cycle
  8. Methodologies and Frameworks
  9. Importance of Communications
  10. 🎁 Project Integration Management: From Start to Finish
  11. Module 1 Quiz
  12. Module 1 Quiz Answers

Learn How to Start a Project

When you know the Framework, we’ll start filling it in with processes.

This module delivers a step-by-step workflow to “initiate” (to start) a project. This approach dramatically increases the chances of project success.

It’ll help you to ask the correct questions. You’ll learn to identify people critical for the project – stakeholders. But, most importantly, you’ll be bold enough to determine the real goal of a project.

Clients and customers do not always have a clear understanding of what they need. You’ll become their guide in reaching outcomes that boost business.

  • The processes and tools to fill in your basic framework. 

  • A step-by-step workflow to “initiate” (to start) a project with an approach that dramatically increases the chances of project success.

  • How to work with the right people to reach the correct goal of the project. 

  • How to identify and engage people with the technical skills required for the project because you never make technical decisions on your own.

  • How to hire the right people and put them in the correct roles.

  1. Project Integration – Initiating
  2. Stakeholders: Why do we need them?
  3. Stakeholders: How to Identify Stakeholders
  4. Stakeholders: How to Perform Stakeholder Analysis
  5. Stakeholders: Expectations vs. Requirements
  6. Stakeholders: How to Select Engagement Strategies
  7. How to Collect Project High-level Information
  8. 🆓 Project Charter Example and a Comprehensive Guide
  9. Work of a PM During Project Initiation
  10. PJPM Module 2 Quiz
  11. Module 2 Quiz Answers

Master the Project Planning Process

Even in agile project management of the IT industry, you still need to develop a high-level or “release” plan before executing it with Scrum or Kanban. 

You need to apply plan-driven (aka waterfall) approaches to develop the schedule, budget, and scope of the project.

The workflow in this module will help you plan any project that you get. It’s scalable. Meaning you’ll use it for many years until you need to enhance it further.

Your clients will be happy to work with you because you’ll never let them down.

  • The fundamentals of project planning that are scalable and can be used for years to come.

  • How to masterfully develop a project plan to achieve the requested goal.

  • How to make accurate project estimates.

  • How to ensure you reach those project goals on time and within budget.

  • All you need to know about Risk Management. 

  • Proven ways to keep your clients and your boss happy.

  • How to use project management software.

  1. Project Integration – Planning
  2. Selecting a Framework/Approach
  3. Project Management Plan
  4. How to Decompose Project Requirements
  5. How to Collect Requirements
  6. 🎁 Collecting Requirements: Real-World Example
  7. Requirements, Quality, and Project Scope
  8. Quality Management
  9. Project Scope: Deliverables
  10. Project Scope: How to Identify Scope
  11. How to Estimate Project Work
  12. How to Create a Project Schedule
  13. How to Create a Project Budget
  14. 🆓 Project Budget Example: How to Create an Accurate Project Budget for Junior Project Managers
  15. Project Integration – Risk Management
  16. Risk Management: How to Identify Risks
  17. Risk Management: How to Perform Qualitative Analysis
  18. Risk Management: How to Select Response Plans
  19. Project Planning Concepts
  20. Work of a Project Manager During Planning
  21. 🎁 Life Cycle Project Management Software: How to Use it?
  22. 🎁 How to Use Task Tracker as the Main Project Management Tool (JIRA and Asana)
  23. Module 3 Quiz
  24. Module 3 Quiz Answers

Discover How to Run a Project on a Day-to-Day Basis

Planning is a big part of a project. But it’s a short one. The bulk of your work is in managing a team to execute the plan.

First of all, after this module, you’ll become a leader.

Second, you learn all the necessary activities of a project manager: tracking progress, writing emails and reports, resolving conflicts, etc.

You’ll build rapport and engagement with your team from the first moment you enter the room. As a result, you’ll be confident to lead even the senior-level employees.

This whole module describes the process of managing a project from a leader’s perspective. It will ensure that people love to work with you.

  • The bulk of your work is managing a team to execute the plan. Here you’ll learn how to execute that plan with precision.

  • Techniques to make complex technical decisions (even if you don’t have a technical background).

  • Learn what it really takes to become a leader. 

  • Step-by-step instructions on what you need to build rapport and engagement with your team from the first moment you enter the room. 

  • Confidence to lead even the senior-level colleagues.

  • All the necessary activities of a project manager: tracking progress, writing emails and reports, resolving conflicts, etc.

  • This whole module describes the process of managing a project from a leader’s perspective. It will ensure that people love to work with you.

  1. Project Integration – Executing a Project
  2. How to Write Emails
  3. How to Run Meetings
  4. How to Collect Feedback with Delphi Technique
  5. How to Write Project Weekly Reports
  6. How to Resolve Conflicts
  7. How to Delegate
  8. How to Aquire Project Team and Resources
  9. How to Work with the Project Team: Tasks, Impediments, Progress
  10. How to Monitor and Control The Project
  11. How to Conduct Project Change Management
  12. How to Communicate with Clients (and Key Stakeholders)
  13. Motivation Theories
  14. Leadership Concepts
  15. How to Lead and Motivate
  16. 🆓 How to be a Good Project Manager: 11 Practical Tips [from real projects]
  17. 🎁 How to Ignite Total Responsibility in Your Project Team
  18. How to Finish a Project
  19. 🎁 Project Management Crisis: Step-by-Step Recovery Plan
  20. Professional Ethics of a Project Manager
  21. My Productivity System for Project Managers
  22. Module 4 Quiz
  23. Module 4 Quiz Answers

Master Agile Project Management

As a modern project manager, you must know the main Agile Frameworks and principles. The whole IT industry works with Scrum or Kanban.

After this module, you’ll be able to combine traditional project management with Agile. And you’ll have a deep understanding of how it all works together.

You can position yourself as an Agile Project Manager. It opens up lots of additional opportunities during your job search.

  • Grasp critical Agile Principles and how to combine them with traditional project management approaches.

  • Scrum Framework is thoroughly explained with main events, artifacts, and roles.

  • The best practices of using Kanban in the IT industry.

  • Understanding of Agile Project Management is a competitive advantage over traditional managers and pure Scrum Masters. 

  • How to use JIRA or Asana for software development.

  1. Overview and Scrum Terminology
  2. How Does Scrum Work?
  3. Scrum Artifacts
  4. The Roles in a Scrum Team
  5. Scrum Events: Sprint Planning
  6. Scrum Events: The Sprint
  7. Scrum Events: Daily Scrum
  8. Scrum Events: Sprint Demo (Sprint Review)
  9. Scrum Events: Sprint Retrospective
  10. How to Master Scrum
  11. Kanban

Invest in Your Professional Development

You can spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on certifications. In return, an instructor from the construction (or any other) industry retells you the PMBOK Guide.

Yes, it feels like you know what to do in theory, but you can’t implement it in the IT industry.

But still, you have a full-time job as a project manager, and you don’t have much time and energy to waste on knowledge and skills you never use.

In any case, as I see it, you have two options here:

Option #1: You try to get through it on your own and entirely possibly slow down your career for years. It’ll keep you in the same place this time next year, with lots of wasted efforts and no further promotion.

Option #2: You 100% commit to becoming a capable project manager during the next few weeks with practical knowledge and skills, ready to lead any project.

So, how much does it cost to tap into the expertise and lessons learned of a project management mentor?

Actually, I might have charged you two thousand dollars. The course is that good. You are not only getting all the training videos and all the bonuses — but you get a proven framework. There are a lot of insights that you can get only through accumulating your own experience.

But I’m really passionate about my profession. I believe that if I train you, there will be one more great leader in the world.

So, because of that, I want to make this program affordable to you as much as possible.

From Editor to IT Project Manager in Two Months

“I worked in the e-Sport industry as editor-in-chief for three years. I had leadership experience, but I always wanted to be a manager of something significant. Lately when I decided to push my career further it appeared that there are no opportunities for me in the company in which I work right now.

I got the Practical Project Management Course from Dmytro quite long ago. Yet for some reason, I was putting it off for a later date. Now, I decided to act!

In short few weeks, I reviewed the course materials and re-wrote my CV from scratch. Just like the course suggests, I used achievements. I positioned myself as a Project Manager.

Within a month, I had five interviews. I managed to get a job offer for an IT Project Manager from a small company. And the offer was 26% higher than the average for an entry-level role!

Many thanks!”

– Sergey

Full Practical IT Project Management Course

When You Add it All Up, That’s A Total Real-World Value of $1,885.

However, my goal is to create the best and most practical education for IT Project Managers while keeping it affordable. That’s why I charge only a fraction of all that value: You save 84% or 1588 USD and still get world-class knowledge on project management.
I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY for just…


Chose Your Plan

Get the Course

Instant Access to this course
$ 499
  • Access to one course
  • One Course's Bonuses
  • Limited Support

IT PM School Year Pass

"All courses and ongoing support"
$ 699 Year
  • Practical IT Project Management Course
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Project Manager Career Accelerator Course ($499 value)
  • Work Breakdown Structure Course ($199 value)
  • Members-only community forum
  • Networking with other project managers
  • Priority support from Dmytro
  • Office hours with Dmytro ($1499 value)

Additionally, you’ll be backed by a 30-day "Learn First, Decide Later!" money back guarantee

Full disclosure: You’ll learn how to lead IT projects and build a career as a Successful PM.

But you need to be COMMITTED to become a great project manager. You need to do some work.

So here’s the deal:

By the end of 30 days, you’ll have received access to all the lessons, bonuses, and templates.

Meaning that you’ll have an opportunity to apply all the knowledge in practice BEFORE making a final decision.

You’ll either be full steam ahead on your way to becoming a better Project Manager while feeling so much more confident and educated PM or just write me an email at within 30 days from your payment. I’ll give you back your investment so that you’ll only have to add up a thousand dollars more to get some “theoretical” certificate.

What people asked before signing up for the Practical Project Management Course?


First of all, it comes from my practical experience leading dozens of IT projects, not from the inapplicable theory from books.

Second, I included all you need to be an IT great manager today. You get lessons on project management, leadership, motivation, agile frameworks, and career development — all in one place. So, you don’t need to get a separate course on each topic.

Third, I don’t need to certify you. I don’t have to overwhelm you with unnecessary information. The course includes only the practical things in a structured way that a project manager uses in the real world.

And, more importantly, what should I get?

The book covers only the project management framework I teach.

The course also covers the same framework but in more detail. Moreover, I explain it with thousands of visuals showing how different parts work with each other.

In addition to that, the course includes:

  1. My step-by-step instructions to leadership.
  2. A mini-course on Work Break Down Structure.
  3. How to write a perfect CV of a project manager.
  4. Professional development framework.
  5. Career development guidelines.
  6. Glossary of an IT Project Manager.
  7. A dozen specific lessons are requested by students based on their everyday challenges.

So, the course includes EVERYTHING you need to build a successful career as a software project manager.

Nevertheless, I recommend getting both the book and the course. They can work great hand in hand.

If you don’t have a formal project management education, you’ll learn how to manage projects in the IT industry in a structured and predictable way. You’ll get insights on how to integrate the project, how to manage risks, and create a budget in such a way that it all works as a cohesive whole.

This way, you’ll be sure you do the right things at the right time, and it will lead to project success in the long run. You’ll be confident in your actions and knowledge.

In addition to that, you’ll learn how to boost your career further and become a senior project manager.

Yes, it does. In fact, you’ll find extra training on how to become a project manager from scratch. All the course’s knowledge and skill will help you create a new resume of a project manager, pass an interview, and get your first job.

I have lots of success stories where people become project managers without any prior experience.

A great question!

First, this course is an excellent refresher for you.

Second, in the IT industry, we heavily rely on motivation, leadership, and agile project management. If it’s not your top strength, I’ve got lots of experience to share.

Finally, if you read this far, you have some doubts about your knowledge and skills. You can validate your expertise with this course and compare your project management approach with mine. Treat it as peer review. It will show you opportunities for improvement.

I created the Course specifically with you in mind. I do understand that you have a job, family, and other commitments.

To make significant progress, you need to dedicate about 20-30 minutes per day.

All the lessons are short and easy to consume, one by one.

You get lifetime access.

Great question! Happy you asked it.

Let’s break it down:

We have two entry-level options: PMI CAPM and PRINCE2 Foundation (only if you are in the UK).

Both of them are 100% theoretical. They don’t teach you how to manage the first project in the real world.

PMI PMP is the best certification that proves your practical experience as well as in-depth knowledge of project management. But you need to have 3 years of practical and proven project management experience. I don’t recommend cheating here. It may backfire in the future.

Likewise, PMP is a great tool to boost your salary or position. It’s not a certification that teaches you how to lead software projects.

ITIL is also theoretical and has little value for a Junior PM. Moreover, it’s a super expensive path.

The Certified Scrum Master is simply not enough to manage an IT project. It teaches you only the Scrum Framework.

On the contrary, the Practical Project Manager Course focuses on the PRACTICAL aspects of leading a project. My goal is to teach you how to lead a project in the real world.

Here, you get an adequate amount of knowledge from all of these certifications.

Usually, it takes one month to get through the course at an average speed. But if you have more free time, it’s entirely feasible to do it in two weeks.

All you need to do is to write me an email at within 30 days from your purchase.

Technical Background is a competitive advantage in the hiring market. But it’s not a mandatory requirement.

Your main goal is to prove that you have enough leadership skills to use the input of the best technical experts on the team. In the PPM Course, I teach how to do it.

So, the majority of companies will take a PM without technical skills. However, big tech giants like Google and Amazon most likely will not. But it’s not the companies I recommend starting with.

Moreover, the more project management experience you get the less valuable this technical background becomes.

Still undecided?


You are an accidental Project Manager and just starting.

You don’t have a formal PM education. But your boss selected you because you have a talent for getting well with people. They listen to you, and you are responsible. Now, you want to be a professional Project Manager.

You are a Junior or Mid-level Project Manager.

…and you don’t have a mentor to teach you. You have a bit of experience in a project environment. You don’t want to wait for your boss to notice your hard work. So, you want to build your career right away.

You want to learn how to manage projects in real life.

You may have seen it already and understand what it takes to lead a group of people to produce results within the limits of time and money. Now, you want to get real-life training.

You’re afraid that certification won’t help you with the interview.

You may already face the problem. Interviewers ask you questions you cannot answer. They want solutions applicable to PRACTICE.

You feel leadership potential.

You want to take control of the work, and you want to make the work of people more comfortable, enjoyable, and meaningful. You want to develop and motivate them because you ALREADY understand that they are the biggest asset.

You are committed to becoming a great IT Project Manager.

When you enroll for the course, you become a part of the project management community. Personal development, continuous improvement, and coaching is at the heart of this community. And you want to be a part of it.

If you said “YES” to at least one of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside the Practical Project Management Course.

Enroll now and start building your career as an IT Project Manager or…

You can try to get through it on your own and spend another few years, Or you can grasp IT project management in the next month and focus on building a successful career. Get the course now!