Supporting Materials for Practical Project Management Book

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Below you’ll find the resources I mentioned in the book by chapters.
From one side, I want to help you master project management. From the other, I don’t want to overwhelm you with information.
So, focus on finishing the book first. Then, review additional materials here.

Copy and paste this step-by-step process into your notes. It will be a great reference for you.

  1. Determine How You Will Plan the Project
  2. Determine Existing Templates, Policies, and Processes
  3. Outline the Project Management Plan Contents
  4. Determine Detailed Requirements
  5. Determine Quality Standards, Processes, and Metrics
  6. Create the Project Scope Statement
  7. Determine Project Management Team
  8. Create a Work Breakdown Structure
  9. Assess What You Need to Buy Or Outsource
  10. Breakdown Work Packages and Deliverables into Tasks
  11. Identify Dependencies Between Tasks
  12. Estimate Required Resources, Experts, and Materials
  13. Create Human Resources Plan
  14. Create Materials and Tools Acquisition Plan
  15. Estimate Duration of Tasks
  16. Estimate Costs of Each Task
  17. Develop a Project Schedule
  18. Determine the Critical Path
  19. Develop Project Budget
  20. Create the Process Improvement Plan
  21. Determine Roles and Responsibilities
  22. Plan Project Communications
  23. Plan stakeholder engagement
  24. Perform Risk Management Activities
  25. Validate your plan
  26. Create Baselines
  27. Plan ways to measure performance
  28. Create a Change Management Plan
  29. Create a Reward and Recognition system
  30. Finalize Subsidiary Plans and Create a Project Plan
  31. Gain Formal Approval of the Plan
  32. Present Your Plan to the Whole Team

Below is a high-level step-by-step process for creating an accurate schedule. You can copy-paste it as an instruction. 

  1. Prepare a Schedule Management Plan
  2. Set milestones for project start and end dates.
  3. Add an official “holidays calendar” for each resource based on their location.
  4. Add resources (or real people) and their availability.
  5. Add known vacations and days off for all team members.
  6. Set milestones when new resources should be available.
  7. Import a list of tasks (if you didn’t do decomposition in the scheduling tool).
  8. Assign resources to each task.
  9. Identify dependencies.
  10. Set duration for each task (copy the estimates provided by the team).
  11. Identify Critical Path.
  12. Do a sanity check. Do you fit into the deadline? You should have a 10-15% buffer before the deadline.
  13. Move work packages to do the work in parallel. Or assign more resources to do the work faster. Or negotiate to de-scope something. 
  14. Check workload for resources. People should not go over their working hours during the day.
  15. Adjust schedule and resources until you fit into the deadline. Or prove that it’s impossible. Provide the Next Best Alternatives.
  16. Perform Risk Management activities with your project schedule.
  17. Add new risk response plans to the plan.
  18. Move work packages to do the work in parallel. Or assign more resources to do the work faster. Or negotiate to de-scope something. 
  19. Check workload for resources. Validate the whole project schedule.
  20. Repeat the process until you have a realistic project schedule that you and your team believe in. 
  21. Finalize Project Schedule Baseline.

Procurement management will depend on your company, industry, niche.

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